Let’s tailor: this will help you adjust your ambience. Let your AI to be multilingual. If a caller opts for various speech, the AI will prompt them to select one at the beginning of their call. Let’s get started!
How to Set Up Your Preferred Language:
- Login to your Dial With AI Dashboard.
- Navigate to the “Left Menu Bar” Click on “✏️Edit Receptionist” option.
- Scroll Down to Locate the “Select Languages” option.
- Choose your preferred language or add a custom language.
- Save your settings.
When multiple languages are chosen, the AI prompts the caller to pick one before the call begins. For example, if you select English and Spanish, the automated system will ask you to “Press 1 for English, Press 2 for Spanish.”
Best of all, you won’t have to translate your knowledge base or instructions. Our AI can translate your knowledge base and settings, and communicate fluently in other languages.
That’s it!